
Safety Management

SAFVER promotes safety by reducing risk and keep the fleet/drivers safe by analysing incident and hassle reports by publishing toolbox talk or inductions and suggesting trainings and on same.

  • Easy docs
  • Toolbox talk
  • Training & Induction
  • Incident & Hazard report
  • Notification & alerts
  • Online checklist
  • Driver verification
  • Vehicle verification
  • Users and role management
  • Electronic work diary
  • Toolbox Talk

    Toolbox talk

    Stay complaint with toolbox talk

  • Training and Induction

    Training and induction

    Conveniently share trainings and inductions with drivers and see the progress all in one place.

  • Incident Report

    Incident report

    Easy to report incident along with workflow up to their resolution steps with evidence.

  • Hazard form

    Hazard form

    Easy to report Hazard along with workflow up to their resolution steps with evidence.

  • easy doc

    Easy Doc

    Easy to manage documentation.

How SAFVER works



Get registered and SAFVER team will contact you to understand your needs and provide best plans and custom feature if required

Complete Profile

Complete profile

Complete your profile and dashboard settings which helps us to provide you better automated services.

Ready to Use

Ready to use

Stay Informed- Effortlessly assign and monitor which drivers are using which assets.

Why Choose Us

Easy management

Fast and easy to use for workers, managers and other users streamline documentation management for audits, training and incident


Have instant access to information and documents. Access SAFVER on any device at anytime

Easy profiles & On-boarding

Get your Employees off to a great start, and automate all the admin visually map training, compliance, experience and much more


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