
Fleet Management

Simplify your fleet operations by managing every part of your fleet, assets and workforce, from one central location – anywhere with an internet connection. So, you can see how your fleet works. Spot where you can make improvements and find ways to reduce costs.

  • Vehicle addition
  • Vehicle maintenance
  • Fleet analysis
  • Fuel tracking
  • Toll tracking
  • Fleet scheduling
  • Fault reporting
  • Registration and insurance
  • Vehicle verification
  • Vehicle safety monitoring
  • vehicle maintenance

    Vehicle maintenance

    Company maintenance officer can easily schedule service or repair in SAFVER. SAFVER provides logs to track and increase visibility on actions performed to close maintenance with closing evidence.

  • Company specific vehicle list

    Company specific vehicle list

    SAFVER uses the government API to fetch the current stats and data with help of state and registration number for online verification. SAFVER also stores the mass and dimension information for reference while assigning load to a vehicle.

  • Fault Management

    Fault management

    Company maintenance officer can easily check / monitor the fault reported by driver during pre-start or during work. SAFVER provides logs to track and increase visibility on actions performed to close fault with closing evidence.

  • Assign Vehicle

    Assign vehicle

    Stay informed- effortlessly assign and monitor which drivers are using which assets.

How SAFVER Works



Get registered and SAFVER team will contact you to understand your needs and provide best plans and custom feature if required

Complete Profile

Complete profile

Complete your profile and dashboard settings which helps us to provide you better automated services.

Ready to Use

Ready to use

Stay Informed- Effortlessly assign and monitor which drivers are using which assets.

Why Choose Us

Easy Management

Fast and easy to use for workers, Managers and other users Streamline documentation management for audits, training and incident


Have instant access to information and documents. Access SAFVER on any device at anytime

Easy Profiles & On-Boarding

Get your Employees off to a great start, and automate all the admin visually map training, compliance, Experience and much more


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